IMPORTANT: Please submit your Upgrade Certificate below in order to fulfill warranty conditions and as confirmation of upgrade.
This form enables you to upload the Upgrade Certificate for your samaritan PAD 500P.
Your certificate, which is in PDF format, has been saved to your desktop. Please click SUBMIT to send your certificate to HeartSine.
Follow these instructions to upload your certificate using the form below:
1. Click Choose File and browse to your Upgrade Certificate PDF file.
2. Select the file, and click Open.
3. When the file name appears in the Upload field, click Submit.
If you have more than one upgrade certificate on your desktop, you can identify the one you have just created as the file name will contain the serial number of the samaritan PAD 500P device you have just upgraded.
For example: In the file name "Upgrade_Certificate_11B00012345.pdf" the serial number is 11B00012345. This should be the same as the serial number printed on the underside of your PAD 500P (highlighted in yellow).